Ofsted Inspection Framework
In January 2025 a link was added to Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance: Children’s Homes and Health Care.
Inspecting Local authority children’s service sets out Ofsted's framework and guidance for inspecting local authority services for children (ILACS) in need of help and protection, children in care and care leavers.
This includes:
- Ofsted’s framework for the inspection of local authority children’s services;
- Guidance for local authorities on sharing information with Ofsted on an inspection;
- Guidance for local authorities on providing child level data for the inspection;
- 'Talking to…' information for children and young people and their parents/carers that explains why inspectors want to speak with them and what they do with the things they tell them.
More information on the work of Ofsted can be found in Inspection of Children's Social Care Providers - which includes details of Ofsted's own policies, consultations, improvement notices and research and statistics arising from their inspections.
Local authority interactive tool (LAIT) is an interactive spreadsheet for comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England.
You can also search for Ofsted inspection reports in England.
There may be children in your care who are in other placements which are also inspected by Ofsted. For each of these there will be evaluation criteria that sets out the expectations of how children will be cared for and their needs met.
Social care services that Ofsted registers and inspects
Independent fostering agencies
Residential holiday schemes for disabled children
Area SEND inspections: framework and handbook
Joint inspections of local area services
See also: Disclosure and Barring Service: guidance for children's social care providers and managers - Inspectors will consider how safely these services manage DBS checks and certificates as part of their assessment of the recruitment and retention of anyone engaged to work at an establishment or for an agency. Note: local authority adoption and fostering services are also covered by this guidance as a good practice guide.
Additional services that Ofsted inspects
Boarding schools and residential special schools
Cafcass, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance
Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance: Children’s Homes and Health Care - this guide is for providers and commissioners to help them understand the registration requirements with CQC and Ofsted and when to register with one or both regulatory bodies.
Last Updated: January 13, 2025