January 2025
In January 2025 information on Ofsted checks was added in to Section 5.1, Checks and a link was added in related guidance to the Disclosure and Barring Service Guidance Leaflets - GOV.UK. | |
In January 2025 this chapter was refreshed. | |
In January 2025 a link was added to Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance: Children’s Homes and Health Care. | |
In January 2025 information was added in relation to Ofsted and CQC Joint Registration Guidance: Children’s Homes and Health Care. | |
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | In January 2025 Section 15.1, Registering an appeal with the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability) was updated in line with case law. |
In January 2025 this chapter was added to the manual. |
July 2024
Children and Young People’s Continuing Care National Framework | This chapter was added in July 2024. A Continuing Care package funded by the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) is required when a child or young person has needs arising from a disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist NHS services alone. |
In July 2024, in Section 4.7, Age Assessment Process a link was added to the BASW Age Assessment Practice Guidance. | |
Assessment of a New Partner of Existing/Approved Foster Carers | In July 2024, this procedure was revised throughout and must be reread. |
In July 2024, this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children, to note that notifications should also be made of the death of a care leaver up to and including the age of 24. | |
In July 2024, Section 2, Ordinary Residence was updated in line with case law. | |
In July 2024, Section 10, Reviews of Private Fostering Arrangements was revised and should be reread. | |
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | In July 2024, Section 15, Resolving Disagreements was updated to include information on Guidance: Carry Out an Order in Special Educational Needs Cases. And to include information from Special Educational Needs and Disability: Improving Local Authority Decision Making - Report of the Administrative Justice Council's Working Group on Special Educational Needs and Disability. |
Guidance for Staff: Reporting Serious Incidents and/or Child Deaths | In July 2024, this chapter was updated in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children. In Section 3, information was added on Death of a Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24 |
This chapter was added in July 2024. The Children's Social Care National Framework and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 both highlight the expectation for family networks to be engaged and empowered from an early point in a referral. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2024. | |
In July 2024, information was added in relation to family group decision-making in Sections 1, Introduction and Time Limits and Section 5, Pre-Proceedings, and a link was added to chapter Family Networks and Family Group Decision Making. | |
In July 2024, a new Section, 15.7 Decision making for children moving into a household where there are children on a Child Protection Plan was added to the chapter and Appendix 13, The Independent Chair Service Dissent Process was added | |
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System Additional National Guidance | In July 2024, additional links were added; Care Experience Matters (GOV.UK), Children as Suspects and Defendants (CPS), Guidance: Use of Force, Restraint and Restrictive Practices in the Children and Young People Secure Estate and A Joint Thematic Inspection of Work with Children Subject to Remand in Youth Detention. |
In July 2024, this chapter was revised in response to Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2023), and includes the ongoing development of the strategic leadership roles of Virtual School Heads (VSH) in promoting educational outcomes for children aged 0 to 18 who have, or previously had a social worker, and children in kinship care arrangements. |
January 2024
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | This chapter was updated in January 2024. Information in relation to legal aid for foster carers and prospective adoptive parents in First Tier Tribunal appeals was added into Section 15, Resolving Disagreements. |
This chapter was refreshed in January 2024. | |
In January 2024, amendments were made to reflect case-law in relation to assessing legal capacity. | |
This chapter was refreshed in January 2024. | |
In January 2024, additional information was added about online safety. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2024 and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2024, information was added into Section 4, Care Orders and Supervisions Orders on a Care Plan of the Child Remaining at Home in relation to Supervision Orders, in line with Public Law Working Group (PLWG) Recommendations to Achieve Best Practice in the Child Protection and Family Justice Systems: Supervision Orders. |
July 2023
In July 2023, this chapter has been updated to incorporate Ofsted feedback. | |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation | In July 2023, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. |
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System Additional National Guidance | In July 2023, links were added to "A Guide to Child First - Youth Justice Board" and "Matters of Concern, Safeguarding Concerns, Allegations and Complaints for Children in Custody". |
This chapter was amended in July 2023 to note that with effect from 1 April 2023, the leaving care allowance increased from £2,000 to £3,000 and to include information from the revised Ofsted inspection framework. | |
In July 2023, this chapter was reviewed and updated. | |
Guidance for Foster Carers on Personal Safety and Incident Reporting | |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Operational Guidance | |
This chapter was updated in July 2023 in relation to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. | |
Section 3, Section 20 Accommodation was updated in line with case-law in July 2023. | |
In July 2023, information in relation to allergies was added into Section 4, Health Plans. | |
In July 2023, this chapter was updated and replaced the previous guidance issued in November 2018. This guidance should be re-read throughout. | |
Nottinghamshire's Youth Justice Service Policies, Procedure and Guidance | A number of policies were updated in July 2023. |
Section 8, Court Hearings was updated in July 2023 in line with A View From the President's Chambers: Relaunching the PLO (November 2022) and that section should be re-read. In Relevant Guidance, a link was added to Pre-proceedings and Family Justice Hub (Research in Practice). | |
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation | In July 2023, this chapter was amended to include information from Annex to MOJ Circular 2022/03: Additional Information on Remand to Local Authority Accommodation (RLAA). |
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | In July 2023, this chapter was updated to include information from Guidance: Area SEND Inspections Framework and Handbook (November 2022). |
This chapter was amended in July 2023 to reflect that the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 raised the age of marriage and civil partnership to 18 in England and Wales, with effect from 26 February 2023. | |
In July 2023, information in relation to allergies was added into Section 6, Diet, Nutrition and Allergies. | |
This chapter was added in July 2023. | |
January 2023
Children Involved in the Youth Justice System Additional National Guidance | This chapter was added to the manual in January 2023. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation | In January 2023 this chapter was rewritten and must be reread. |
In January 2023 this chapter was amended to refer to Guidance issued by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. | |
In January 2023 this chapter was amended throughout in line with Management Guidance in Public Law Children Cases: March 2022. | |
This chapter was updated throughout in January 2023 and should be re-read. Section 1, Introduction should be reread | |
In January 2023, Section 4,6, Ceiling track hoists was updated and should be reread. | |
Nottinghamshire's Youth Justice Service Policies, Procedure and Guidance | A number of policies were updated in January 2023 and new policies Constructive Resettlement Practice Guidance, Principles for Working with Children Where a Knife/Weapon is Indicated, Public Protection Notification Practice Guidance, the Protocol and Practice Guidelines regarding the transfer of Cases, Communication Plan, YJS and MASH ‘new referral’ Liaison Protocol and YJS Prevention and Diversion Policies, Processes and Interventions. |
In January 2023, information was added to this chapter and it should be reread. | |
In January 2023 this chapter was rewritten and needs to be reread | |
This chapter was updated in January 2023 | |
In January 2023 this chapter was reviewed and should be reread. | |
In January 2023, this chapter was updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2023, Section 3, Placements in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Guernsey was updated in line with the Cross-border Placements (Effect of Deprivation of Liberty Orders) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 and Cross-Border Placements (Effect of Deprivation of Liberty Orders) (Scotland) Regulations 2022: Practice Guidance, Notice and Undertaking Template. | |
Integrated Children’s Disability Service Occupational Therapy Guidance for the Loan of Equipment | In January 2023, Section 1.3, Exclusions was updated and should be reread |
Integrated Children’s Disability Service Occupational Therapy - Legal Framework | In January 2023 this chapter was reviewed and should be reread. |
Data Sharing Between the UK Visas and Immigration and the Local Authority | In January 2023 this chapter was updated and a new section was added on NRPF Connect. |
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation | In January 2023 this chapter was amended in line with the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. |
In January 2023, this policy was rewritten and should be re-read. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2023 and should be re-read throughout. | |
Children's Disability Service - Threshold Criteria for Children's Social Care | Section 2, The Children's Disability Service (CDS) Social Work Team was updated in January 2023 and sets out the work of the team and criteria for their involvement. |
In January 2023, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
Step Down/Step Up of Cases Between CDS Social Work Team and Short Break Assessment & Review Team | In January 2023, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. |
December 2022
Looked After Children and Young People in Contact with Youth Justice Services | This chapter was reviewed and updated in January 2023. |
November 2022
This chapter was updated in November 2022 and should be re-read throughout. |
July 2022
In July 2022 this chapter was updated to reflect Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021). Schools should have policies and processes in place to ensure all concerns about all adults working in or on behalf of the school or college (including supply teachers, volunteers and contractors) are dealt with promptly and appropriately. See Section 8.3, Protecting Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children from Adults Who May Pose a Risk to Them and/or Other Children in the School. | |
In July 2022, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2022. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2022. | |
Use of Social Media Sites by Social Care and Safeguarding Staff | In July 2022 this chapter was given a general refresh. |
This chapter was added in July 2022. | |
In July 2022, the chapter was updated throughout and should be reread. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2022 and should be re-read. The Supervision Agenda for each meeting should follow the NCC Supervising Social Worker Formal Supervision with Foster Carers Template. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2022 and should be reread. | |
This chapter was amended in July 2022 to add a link to the NYAS ‘My Things Matter’ Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move. (See Scope Box above.) | |
In July 2022 this chapter was extensively updated and should be read. Information was also added on Post 18 Reviews in Section 1, The Purpose of Looked After Reviews and in Section 4.3, Post 18 Reviews. In Section 4, Convening Looked After Reviews information was added on a strength-based approach to Looked After Reviews. In section 5 information was added on Good Practice Guidance for our Looked After Meetings. | |
In July 2022 this chapter was rewritten and need to be reread. | |
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation | In July 2022, the chapter was refreshed and should be read. Additional Information has been added to the Appendices: Looked After Children and Youth Justice. |
This chapter was amended in July 2022 to add a link to the NYAS ‘My Things Matter’ Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move. (See Section 4, Placement Planning).
| |
This chapter was updated in July 2022 to add a note regarding transferring a child’s belongings in appropriate luggage and includes a link to a link to NYAS, My Things Matter Report. (See Section 5, Administration / Process Issues). | |
This chapter was added in July 2022. | |
This chapter was updated in July 2022. | |
Children and Young People Aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | In July 2022 Section 15, Resolving Disagreements was updated in line with the First Tier Tribunal’s extended powers to hear appeals and make non-binding recommendations about health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, provided those appeals also include education elements. |
Participation of Children and Young People, Parents and Carers in the Child Protection Process | In July 2022 this chapter was refreshed. A new Section 8, Presenting the Lived Experience of the Child to Conference was added to this chapter. |
This chapter was updated in July 2022 to reflect recent case-law. | |
In July 2022 this policy was updated throughout and should be reread. There are also updates to a number of forms in the Private Fostering section in the Documents Library. |
January 2022
In January 2022, this chapter was revised. Information on the School Admission Code was added in Section 8, Special Guardianship Support Services. | |
Investigating Concerns and Allegations Against Foster Carers Including Historical Issues | In January 2022, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
In January 2022, information was added in to Section 4, Short Break Settings, in relation to the prohibition on looked after children under the age of 16 being placed in 'other arrangements' placements for the purposes of a short break. | |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Operational Guidance | In January 2022, this chapter was updated. |
This chapter was added to the manual in January 2022. | |
This chapter was updated In January 2022 a note was added to Section 3, Assessment of Checks before Placement to add information on placements in 'other arrangements. | |
In January 2022, Section 3, Placements in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Guernsey was updated in line with updated Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review. Additional information was also added in relation to placements in Scotland, in line with a High Court case.
| |
In January 2022, Section 4, Procedure for an Initial Secure Placement was rewritten and needs to be reread. | |
In January 2022, this chapter was revised. In Section 5, Arrangements Made where there has been Involvement of the Local Authority information was added on the School Admission Code. which provides that children being raised by family and friends carers under a Special Guardianship Order or Child Arrangements Order, who struggle to get a school place during the year, will be supported in finding one. | |
In January 2022, Section 6, Placements in Wales was updated in line with updated Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations - Volume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review. | |
Provision for Mothers and Babies in Order To Assess Parenting Capacity and/or Provide Accommodation | In January 2022, in Section 4, Authorising and Financing Other Arrangements for a Mother and Baby a note was added that this type of placement requires Group Manager approval. |
In January 2022, this chapter was updated to note that, from September 2021, looked after children under 16 years of age cannot be accommodated in unregulated independent or semi-independent placements. | |
Nottinghamshire's Youth Justice Service Policies, Procedure and Guidance | A number of policies were updated in January 2022 and a new policy Youth Justice and Police Liaison was also added. |
In January 2022, Section 4.3, Consent to the Use of Medication to Suppress Puberty was updated and new Section 5.4, Consent to Life-ending Withdrawal of Medical Support was added, to reflect High Court judgments. Section 2.1, Consent to Information was updated to reflect revisions contained in the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children. | |
Cross-Border Child Protection Cases Under the 1996 Hague Convention | In January 2022, this chapter was updated to take account of the UK's exit from the EEA. |
November 2021
Delegation of Authority to Foster Carers and Residential Workers | In November 2021, a new Section 7.4, Consent to Life-ending Withdrawal of Medical Support was added, to reflect a High Court judgment. |
July 2021
In July 2021, a revised link was added to Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers. | |
Managing Allegations/Concerns in Relation to Adults who work with Children | In July 2021, this chapter was updated extensively and should be read throughout. |
Protecting Children from the Harmful Effects of Second-hand Smoke (Prospective Adopters) | In July 2021, the leaflets and guidance were updated and should be reread |
Non Recent Cases of Abuse by Adults who are or have Worked or Volunteered with Children | This chapter was extensively updated in July 2021 and should be read throughout. |
This chapter was added to the manual in July 2021. |
January 2021
In January 2021, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. | |
In January 2021, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. | |
Integrated Children’s Disability Service Occupational Therapy - Legal Framework | In January 2021, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read |
This chapter was updated in January 2021 in Section 6, Funding information was added on salaried foster carers. | |
In January 2021, this procedure was updated to reflect the latest Ofsted guidance for social care providers on the types of incident which they consider to be serious and which will therefore require notification to the regulatory authority.
| |
Integrated Children’s Disability Service Occupational Therapy Guidance for the Loan of Equipment | In January 2021, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. |
Children's Disability Service - Threshold Criteria for Children's Social Care | Section 2, The Children's Disability Service (CDS) Social Work Team was updated in January 2021 and sets out the work of the team and criteria for their involvement. |
July 2020
In July 2020 this chapter was updated and should be re-read. | |
In July 2020, this chapter was extensively updated and should be read throughout. | |
Step Down/Step Up of Cases Between CDS Social Work Team and Short Break Assessment & Review Team | In July 2020, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. |
This chapter was added to the manual in July 2020. | |
Child in Need Plans and Reviews (including Detention under the Mental Health Act (1983)) | In July 2020 in Section 4, Reviews of Child in Need Plans the timescales for the review meetings are clarified and in Section 7, Case Closure / Step-Down the timescale for case closure. |
In July 2020, a link to the Digital Referral System: Report Modern Slavery was added. |
January 2020
This chapter was updated in January 2020 and should be re-read. | |
In January 2020, this chapter was updated and should be re-read. Further amendments will be required when Nottinghamshire County Council agree on an alternative to the MAPA model of intervention. | |
In January 2020, this chapter was updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2020 and should be re-read throughout. | |
Guidance for Foster Carers on Personal Safety and Incident Reporting | In January 2020, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read. |
In January 2020, the following was added on the duty of the local authority under the Children Act 1989 to consider the wishes and feelings of any child in its care in decisions made about that child. This includes children under the age of 16 years. Consequently should the wishes and feelings of a child be contrary to those of those with parental responsibility with regard to the child’s engagement with religious practices, then these must be duly considered, taking into account the age and level of understanding of the child. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2020 in Section 3, Approved Foster Carers with the process to be followed after the panel's recommendation, that the person is not suitable to act/continue as a foster carer. | |
This chapter was amended In January 2020, to include a link to the Leaving Care and Transition Procedure in relation to Personal Adviser visits to ‘Relevant’ or ‘Former Relevant’ young people. | |
In January 2020, this chapter was completely rewritten and should be re-read. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2020 in line with the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and revised statutory guidance.
These changes relate to the status of ‘previously looked after children’. A previously Looked After Child is one who is no longer looked after in England and Wales because they are the subject of an Adoption, Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements Order which includes arrangements relating to with whom the child is to live, or when the child is to live with any person, or has been adopted from ‘state care’ outside England and Wales.
Children subject to a Adoption, Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements Order are entitled to support from their school, through the designated teacher. | |
Disability Living Allowance - Fostered Children and Foster Carers | In January 2020, the chapter was updated and should be re-read. |
July 2019
Responsibilities of the Local Authority to Former Looked After Children and Young People in Custody | In July 2019, this chapter was updated in relation to placing young people in custody, see Section 3.8, How to Request a Transfer or Placement Review. |
Placements with Dog-owning Families (for Prospective Adopters) | In July 2019, this chapter was refreshed and should be re-read. |
January 2019
In January 2019, a new section was added as Section 5, Holidays Where Children may be at Risk. | |
In January 2019, this policy was rewritten and should be re-read. | |
Support for Disabled Parents and Young Carers - Protocol Between Children’s and Adults Social Care | Section 8, Case Examples was removed in January 2019. |
In January 2019, the following was added: An Initial Household Income Assessment will then be done by the Family Service workers and sent to the payments team to calculate whether the applicant is eligible for a means tested payment. They will inform the social worker and Service Manager for SGO. The Social Worker can then send an authorisation to the Service Manager for payments to be made once the SGO has been made |
July 2018
In July 2018, a new Section 3.4, Consent to Health Care Assessments was added. | |
This chapter was added to the manual in July 2018. | |
Child Trust Funds and Junior ISA's for Looked After Children | This chapter was updated in July 2018 to reflect the increase in the annual limit on contributions in Section 1.4, Can Additional Payments be Made? |
January 2018
This chapter was added to the manual in January 2018.
| |
This chapter was added to the manual in January 2018. | |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation | Section 1, Introduction was updated in January 2018 to take account of the change of definition in Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Guide for Practitioners (DfE February 2017).
July 2017
This chapter was extensively updated in July 2017 and should be read throughout. |
January 2017
In January 2017, information was added at Section 3.11, Retention. | |
In January 2017, a new Section 4, Children Detained under the Mental Health Legislation (MHA 1983) was added. | |
In January 2017, a link was added in the Related Guidance section to the British Medical Association Consent Toolkit. |
July 2016
These appendices were added to the manual in July 2016. | |
Notifications from Other Local Authorities/Placement Providers | In July 2016, Section 1, Introduction was amended to reflect that the notification must include whether the child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and, if so, details of the Local Authority which maintains the Education, Health and Care Plan. |
In July 2016, a new Section 7, Hospital Stays was added. |
January 2016
This chapter was updated in January 2016 and should be re-read throughout. | |
Exemptions and Extensions/Variations to the Foster Carer's Terms of Approval | This chapter was significantly updated in January 2016 and should be re-read throughout. |
In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
Section 2.2, School / Organisational Trips of up to 4 days Away was updated in January 2016 to reflect in long term placements a Delegated Decision Form should be in place to make it explicit when a carer can or cannot makes these decisions. | |
In January 2016, the Protocol for Contact Support Workers When Children are Not Relinquished Following Supervised Contact, Contact Expenses and Payments and Protocol for Reducing Supervised Contact Arrangements were added. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was significantly updated, particularly with regards to the Care Act 2014. | |
Welfare Reports (Section 7) Supervision Order (Section 37) Family Assistance Orders (Section 16) | In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
Section 2, Children in the Care of the Local Authority was extensively updated in January 2016 including information being added with regards to the NSCP Children Missing from Home and Care Protocol. | |
In January 2016, further links including Nottinghamshire SCP – Information for Children and Young People were added to the Relevant Legislation and Guidance section. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. | |
In January 2016, this chapter was extensively updated and should be re-read throughout.
| |
This chapter was added to the manual in January 2016. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2016 and should be re-read throughout. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2016. In Section 2, Procedure - Child Placed with Nottinghamshire Adopters information was added with regards to social workers should use the CoramBAAF Good Practice Guide - Writing A Later Life Letter. | |
This chapter was updated in January 2016 with regard to the timing of the 'Later in Life Letter' from the social worker being given to the adopters for the child within ten working days of the celebration hearing. Also, the case management system (Mosaic) should also record the Adoption Order and the episode, Adoption Order Obtained - End Adoptive Placement is completed, as well as the episodes for Adoption Support to set up post final order contact arrangement. |
December 2014
This chapter was added in December 2014. |
May 2014
Notification of Children - Arrangements for the Placement of Children (General) Regulations 1991 | This chapter was added to the manual in May 2014. |
January 2013
In March 2013, this chapter was extensively amended and should be read in its entirety. |