Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation
Scope of this chapter
The information in this chapter is taken from Government guidance documents as listed below. It should be read in conjunction with the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Procedures regarding sexual exploitation of children and young people and related procedures in this manual.
Related guidance
- Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Guide for Practitioners (DfE, February 2017) - definition and a guide for practitioners, local leaders and decision makers working to protect children from child sexual exploitation.
- Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Action Plan (DfE, 2011)
- What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused (DfE)
- Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) for the 21st Century Brook, PSHE Association and Sex Education Forum, 2014
- The Foundations of Abuse: A thematic assessment of the risk of child sexual abuse by adults in institutions (CEOP, 2013)
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
- Child Sexual Exploitation: Practice Tool (2017) (open access) - - further background information about child sexual exploitation and additional commentary around some of the complexities of practically responding to the issue.
- Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
- Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Safeguarding Children Boards Manual, Child Sexual Exploitation Procedure
- Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy, Home Office, 2021
- Group based child sexual exploitation: characteristics of Offending, 2020
- Time to listen: a joined up response to Child Sexual Exploitation and Missing Children, 2016
- Care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery: Statutory guidance for local authorities, 2017
- Modern slavery: statutory and non-statutory guidance, 2021
- NWG network - The NWG Network is a charitable organisation formed as a UK network of over 14 500 practitioners who disseminate information through their services, to professionals working on the issue of child exploitation (CE) and trafficking within the UK.
- Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy, Home Office
- Group based child sexual exploitation: characteristics of Offending (GOV.UK)
- Time to listen: a joined up response to Child Sexual Exploitation and Missing Children
- Care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery: Statutory guidance for local authorities (DfE)
- Modern slavery: statutory and non-statutory guidance (Home Office)
In July 2023, this chapter was updated throughout and should be re-read.
The sexual exploitation of children is defined as:
Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity (a) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, and/or (b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology. Working together to Safeguard Children.
See also Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Guide for Practitioners (DfE 2017). This advice is non-statutory and has been produced to help practitioners to identify child sexual exploitation and take appropriate action in response. This advice includes the management, disruption and prosecution of perpetrators.
Child sexual exploitation takes different forms - from a seemingly 'consensual' relationship where sex is exchanged for attention, affection, accommodation or gifts, to serious organised crime and child trafficking. Child sexual exploitation involves differing degrees of abusive activities, including coercion, intimidation or enticement, unwanted pressure from peers to have sex, sexual bullying (including cyberbullying), and grooming for sexual activity. There is increasing concern about the role of technology in Sexual Abuse, including via social networking and other internet sites and mobile phones. The key issue in relation to child sexual exploitation is the imbalance of power within the 'relationship'. The perpetrator always has power over the victim, increasing the dependence of the victim as the exploitative relationship develops.
Many children and young people are groomed into sexually exploitative and abusive situations but other forms of entry exist. Some young people are engaged in informal economies that incorporate the exchange of sex for rewards such as drugs, alcohol, money or gifts. Others exploited for sex in exchange for accommodation or money as a result of homelessness and experiences of poverty. Some young people have been bullied and threatened into sexual activities by peers or gangs which is then used against them as a form of extortion and to keep them compliant.
Children and young people may have already been sexually exploited before they are referred to children's social care; others may become targets of perpetrators whilst living at home or as children in care. Children in Local Authority Care are often the focus of perpetrators of Sexual Abuse due to their vulnerability. All residential social care staff and foster carers should therefore create an environment which educates children and young people about child sexual exploitation, involving relevant outside agencies where appropriate. They should encourage children in care to discuss any such concerns with them, another member of staff, or with someone from a specialist child sexual exploitation project, and also feel able to share any such concerns about their friends.
Residential social care staff and foster carers should receive training on child sexual exploitation, and therefore be aware of the key indicators of child sexual exploitation. They include:
- Physical symptoms (bruising suggestive of either physical or sexual assault);
- Chronic fatigue;
- Recurring or multiple sexually transmitted infections;
- Pregnancy and/or seeking an abortion;
- Evidence of drug, alcohol or other substance misuse;
- Sexual behaviour outside the expectations for the age group;
- Disclosures of sexual assault followed by withdrawal;
- Attendance at appointments with older adults who are not parents or relatives
- Truancy/disengagement with education or considerable change in performance at school.
- Social or learning difficulties, diagnosed or suspected;
- Volatile behaviour exhibiting extreme array of mood swings or use of abusive language;
- Increased or excessive use of mobile devices and/or social media.
- Involvement in petty crime such as shoplifting, stealing;
- Involvement in gangs;
- Secretive behaviour;
- Entering or leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults;
- Reports of being seen in places known to be used for sexual exploitation, sexual activity and/or adult venues;
- Previous CSE concerns for this child, siblings and/or friends.
- Low self-image, low self-esteem, mental health concerns, self-harming behaviour, e.g. cutting, overdosing, eating disorder;
- Questions regarding sexual orientation.
- Hostility in relationships with carers, family members as appropriate and significant others;
- Physical aggression;
- Placement breakdown;
- Reports from reliable sources (e.g. family, friends or other professionals) suggesting the likelihood of involvement in sexual exploitation;
- Detachment from age-appropriate activities;
- Associating with other young people who are known to be sexually exploited;
- Known sexual activity outside the range of expectations for the age group;
- Sexual relationship with a significantly older person, or younger person who is suspected of being abusive;
- Sexual or other unexplained relationship(s) with an adult(s);
- Phone calls, text messages, internet contact or letters from unknown adults;
- Multiple callers to address; home;
- Persistently missing, staying out overnight or returning late with no plausible explanation;
- Returning after having been missing with concerning presentation; Missing for long periods, with no known home base;
- Going missing and being found in areas where they have no known links;
- Involving peers/friends in exploitative situations;
- Association with known CSE perpetrators.
Please Note: Whilst the focus is often on older men as perpetrators, younger men and women may also be involved and professionals should be aware of this possibility.
- Change in appearance;
- Going out dressed in clothing unusual for them.
- History of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse; neglect; domestic violence; parental difficulties;
- Lack of protective factors in family unit;
- Looked after child.
- Pattern of previous street homelessness;
- Having keys to premises other than those known about.
- Lack of financial support;
- Possession of large amounts of money with no plausible explanation;
- Acquisition of clothes, mobile phones or other possessions without plausible explanation;
- Accounts of social activities with no plausible explanation of the source of necessary funding.
This list is not exhaustive.
Residential social care staff and foster carers should be aware that many children and young people who are sexually exploited do not see themselves as victims. In such situations, discussions with them about concerns should be handled with great sensitivity. Seeking prior advice from specialist agencies may be useful. This should not involve disclosing personal, identifiable information at this stage.
Legal considerations:
In assessing whether a child or young person is a victim of sexual exploitation, or at risk, careful consideration should be given to the issue of consent. It is important to bear in mind that:
- A child under the age of 13 is not legally capable of consenting to sex (it is statutory rape) or any other type of sexual touching;
- Sexual activity with a child under 16 is also an offence;
- It is an offence for a person to have a sexual relationship with a 16 or 17 year old if they hold a position of trust or authority in relation to them;
- Where sexual activity with a 16 or 17 year old does not result in an offence being committed, it may still result in harm, or the likelihood of harm being suffered;
- Non-consensual sex is rape whatever the age of the victim; and
- If the victim is incapacitated through drink or drugs, or the victim or his or her family has been subject to violence or the threat of it, they cannot be considered to have given true consent; therefore offences may have been committed;
- Child sexual exploitation is therefore potentially a child protection issue for all children under the age of 18 years and not just those in a specific age group.
Intelligence gathering:
Residential social care staff and foster carers should be aware of what information should be given to the police in such cases, for example vehicle registration numbers, names, physical descriptions. Residential social care staff and foster carers should refer to training about what action they should take in the case of suspected sexual or physical abuse in order to protect potential evidence, which may be useful in the case of an alleged perpetrator being prosecuted.
Exploitation can affect any child but there are some children who may be at greater risk than others:
- Children in care – these children may be particularly vulnerable because of the situations and experiences that led to them to being brought into care. They may also be impacted by being in care, particularly if they are placed in a new environment away from their normal support networks, or out of area; [6]
- Children who have been excluded from school or are in alternative provision – young people may feel disenfranchised which can make them an easy target for perpetrators. Short timetables or no schooling can also offer opportunities for exploitation. At times, a young person may also be experiencing grooming which leads to disruptive behaviour and then exclusion;
- Children living in poverty, who may be groomed through offers of material possessions or for money for themselves or their family due to financial concerns;
- Children with special educational needs and disabilities – this may be due to increased vulnerabilities but also due to not recognising exploitation, or not being able to access support; [7]
- Children who are not UK citizens or do not have immigration status – the precariousness of their immigration status is an additional vulnerability that enables gangs to target them;
- Family connection – some children have family members who are involved in criminal activity and therefore fall into exploitation through running errands to support their family. In other cases, young people’s families are threatened if the young person does not cooperate with perpetrators.
- Young people not already known to authorities - who may be from affluent backgrounds and not deemed as 'vulnerable'. Gangs are increasingly targeting these groups because they are under the radar and less likely to attract attention from authorities;
- Children with poor mental health and wellbeing – children and young people with poor emotional wellbeing, low esteem, have experienced bereavement or are being bullied are also more likely to be vulnerable;
- Children in proximity to an exploiter – children and young people who have none of the above factors but are in proximity to someone who is seeking to exploit children.
Children and young people who go missing from home or care
A significant number of children and young people who are being sexually exploited may go Missing from home or care, and education. Some go missing frequently; the more often they go missing, the more vulnerable they are to being sexually exploited. If a child does go missing, the Children Missing from Home or Care Procedure should be followed.
Independent Return Home Interviews with the child or young person can help in establishing why they went missing and the subsequent support that may be required, as well as preventing repeat incidents. Information gathered from return home interviews can be used to inform the identification, Referral and Assessment of any child sexual exploitation cases.
See County CSE Flowchart in Inter-Agency Safeguarding Children Procedures additional resources section.
Where it is believed a child may be or has been sexually exploited, a referral should be made to MASH where the risk will be assessed and prioritised with relevant information collated from Police, Health, Education and other relevant Agencies. If a multi-agency CSE risk assessment has been completed by a professional from a partner agency with an outcome of medium or high risk, then this should be submitted to the MASH for triaging. Please note that if a CSE Risk Assessment has been completed by the family service with a medium or high outcome, then discussions should take place at the ‘Step up/Stepdown’ meeting between Children’s Social Care and the Family Service to determine which team should provide support and assistance to the child identified as at risk of CSE.
When a case is already open to Children’s Social Care, concerns regarding CSE are to be referred to the allocated Social Worker.
The Team Manager (Children’s Social Care) should consider the need for a strategy discussion depending on the level of risk to the child. Guidance for consideration as follows:
S17 - when a child is considered in need of support and initial assessments suggest the risk can be managed outside the child protection process. For example, a child is going missing, associating with unidentified older friends and has unexplained money/gifts or the exploitation is very limited and online only, parents are protective and engaging with support.
Or S47 - when a child is deemed in need of protection and has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm, for example a child has been groomed by an older person(s) or there has been attempted or actual contact, including sexual, with older person(s); the alleged perpetrator is local and may still be in contact with the child, parents may be supportive but unable to protect their child.
Where parents/carers are deemed unprotective or present a risk to the child, a S47 decision may result in an Initial Child Protection Conference. This decision is made in consultation with the Team Manager, CPC CSE lead and Children’s Services Managers. The need for an additional stand-alone CSE Risk Strategy meeting will be determined by the needs of each case.
If a child requires a medical examination as part of the S47 enquiry, this must be arranged through the East Midlands Children and Young People Sexual Assault Service (EMCYPSAS).
Where immediate action is required, Children's Social Care and the police will act to secure the child’s immediate safety. This may include removing the child from the home of a person who is exploiting them, in this instance, professionals should not underestimate the power of perpetrators to locate the child. Where Local Authority placements are required, carers require experience in building trusting relationships and skills in containing young people.
Secure accommodation may be considered in extreme circumstances, if children are at grave risk of Significant Harm.
Refer to NSCP guidance: NSCP Interagency Safeguarding Children Procedures
Child Sexual Exploitation Risk Assessment
Children's Social Care will complete the CSE Risk Assessment Tool for all children considered at risk of CSE.
The CSE Risk Assessment Tool should be completed as soon as possible and no later than 10 working days from allocation. In all cases, it should be completed prior to either the CSE multi-agency meeting or the ICPC/RCPC as applicable. If a multi-agency CSE risk assessment has been completed by a partner agency and submitted to the MASH then the information in that document should feed into the Social Worker’s review of CSE risks.
The CSE Risk Assessment Tool should be completed to reflect the level of risk at the time of the incident rather than the reduced risk once the activity has been disrupted or stopped.
NB: While it is helpful to gain the views of the child and parents/carers, this should not delay the completion of the CSE Risk Assessment Tool.
Social Workers must send CSE Risk Assessments to their Team Manager and the CPC CSE lead via the MOSAIC step to review and quality assure. The CPC lead will advise on need for a Child Sexual Exploitation Multi Agency Meeting.
Social Workers and professionals should be aware that protective parents do not negate the risk of CSE or the need for services to address CSE, including holding a CSE multi agency meeting.
CSE Risk Assessments should be revised as new information becomes available; they can be completed to show progress/reduced risk.
CSE Risk Assessments should be updated/reviewed prior to any CSE multi agency meeting or ICPC/RCPC where CSE is an issue impacting upon the child.
Child Protection Coordinator (CPC) review of risk assessment
Following submission of the CSE risk assessment to the CPC leads for CSE, the Social Care Team can expect the following:
- A CPC lead for CSE will review the risk assessment within 2 working days and confirm:
- Overall risk level;
- Whether a CSE multi-agency meeting is required;
- Who should chair the CSE multi-agency meeting (Team Manager or CPC depending on overall risk level).
- The CPC will record their review of the risk assessment and actions required within the risk assessment step on MOSAIC.
The Child Sexual Exploitation Multi Agency Meeting
This is a multi-agency meeting to share information, agree the level of risk and vulnerability to CSE, co-ordinate any support required and make safety/ disruption plans.
A CSE multi agency meeting should be convened when:
- A child has been sexually exploited; or
- There is an ongoing police investigation re CSE; or
- There is evidence a child is at risk of being sexually exploited.
Requests for a CSE multi agency meeting should be made to the CPC CSE leads who will review the CSE risk assessment and advise on next steps.
The CSE Multi Agency Meeting should be convened within 10 working days of completion of the CSE risk assessment if this is the agreed course of action by TM and CPC lead.
Invites to the CSE multi agency meeting should include:
- The child and their parents or carers;
- MASH Police, for attention of the Sexual Exploitation Unit. Include the completed CSE Risk Assessment Tool;
- Education;
- Health including GU Health;
- Children’s Society;
- Local District Council Community Safety Teams;
- any other professionals involved with the child.
The child and their parents/carers should be actively encouraged and supported to attend the CSE multi-agency meeting. The allocated Social Worker should prepare the child and family for attendance at the meeting.
Should the child and or their parents/carers not attend the meeting, reasons for their absence or exclusion (in exceptional circumstances) should be clearly recorded. The outcome of the meeting will be relayed by the Social Worker to the child and parents/carers immediately following the meeting, this may be in conjunction with the parent or a professional with a good relationship with the child. This should be explicitly agreed in the meeting and recorded as part of the Action Plan.
The CSE Risk Assessment will inform the CSE multi-agency meeting of the issues and risks to be discussed and should be sent to MASH Police/SEIU along with the invite for the meeting.
Each meeting should clearly state, with rationale:
- The presenting reason for the multi-agency meeting;
- The type of exploitation being experienced by the child;
- Whether any other children are potentially at risk;
- Whether a referral to the National Referral Mechanism should be completed if there is evidence of, or suspicion of, a person arranging or facilitating the travel of a child for the purpose of sexual exploitation (to be completed by social worker, or Police if first responder);
- Whether the young person has any special needs, significant health conditions or learning difficulties;
- How arrangements to keep the child safe will be co-ordinated with the police investigation
- The meeting’s view of the child’s level (low, medium, high) of vulnerability based on the information provided to the meeting;
- Where possible, the perpetrators should be identified, and full details provided, this may require a confidential slot.
Each initial CSE meeting should develop a CSE Action and Safety/Disruption plan for review at subsequent meetings. Review CSE multi-agency meetings should be held approximately 6weekly thereafter until the CSE risks are considered managed and reduced. The plan should be SMART and address the police investigation, support for the child and family, safeguards for the child and actions to disrupt CSE.
Once the concerns giving rise to the CSE multi agency meeting are addressed and the required support is in place, the CSE multi-agency meeting can agree that the CSE Action and Safety/Disruption plans will be managed through ongoing Child in Need, Child Protection or Looked After processes where appropriate.
National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
Where someone is identified as a potential victim of modern slavery, they should be referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), which investigates each case and ensures support for victims. Councils are designated 'first responders' and can therefore make referrals to the NRM. Section 48 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) has made provision for Independent Child Trafficking Guardians (ICTGs) who provide independent advice and support for child victims. The Government has committed to the national roll out of ICTGs, which are currently available in a third of local authority areas, with more areas included from January 2021. Children referred to the NRM should receive support through children’s social care to ensure that they are safe while waiting for a decision. Section 45 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 provides a statutory defense for victims of modern slavery who have been forced to commit crimes such as selling illegal drugs, but this does not apply to more serious crimes, such as violent or sexual offences and there must be proof of a direct link to exploitation.
Once a child has been referred into the NRM, the assessing authority (known as the 'competent authority') will, within five working days, make a decision as to whether or not there are reasonable grounds for believing that the person has been trafficked. This is known as the reasonable grounds decision. There is a low threshold at this stage: the test is 'from the information available so far I suspect but cannot prove' the individual is a victim of trafficking. If the competent authority decides that there are no reasonable grounds, there is no right of appeal: the only way to challenge this decision is through judicial review in the High Court.
After a positive reasonable grounds decision, there is then a 45 day 'reflection and recovery period' in which a full needs assessment should be made by a decision maker called the Single Competent Authority (SCA), and no action to detain or remove the person can be taken. Before the end of this 45 day period, the SCA should make what is known as a conclusive grounds decision on whether the person is a victim of trafficking. The test at this stage is whether, on the balance of probabilities, there is sufficient information to conclude the individual is, more likely than not, a victim of trafficking. In general The Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Unit (MSHTU), which sits within the National Crime Agency, makes the conclusive grounds decision in cases involving British and European Economic Area citizens, and the Home Office makes the conclusive grounds decision in cases where the trafficking decision may affect a person’s immigration status.
During the NRM assessment process you are able to send any additional/supporting information to the Single Competent Authority via: They also have a duty line, which is 0300 0724 345 (Mon – Fri 10am – 4pm).
Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship (ICTG) Service
The ICTG service offers advice, guidance and support for children (aged under 18yrs) who have been exploited through trafficking and Modern Slavery. They also provide support, advice and guidance for professionals working with young people who are victims of trafficking and Modern Slavery.
Referrals to the ICTG service should be made when:
- A child is identified as a victim of trafficking and Modern Slavery;
- A child is referred to the NRM.
The aim of the ICTG service is to work collaboratively with partner agencies to ensure that young people who are victims of trafficking and Modern Slavery receive support in line with their needs.
The service operates on a 24/7 basis. Advice and guidance, information about the service and queries regarding possible referrals can be made by contacting the ICTG Guardianship Assessment Team on 0800 043 4303.
The Guardianship Assessment Team provide an initial triage assessment to better understand the immediate safeguarding needs of the child and provide appropriate advice to support safeguarding, risk management and safety planning
Referrals to the ICTG Service can also be submitted via an Online Referral Form
The Home Office Guidance for the ICTG Service can be found here
Multi Agency Sexual Exploitation Meeting - MASE
This meeting monthly meeting that is attended by representatives from Children’s Social Care, Police, Health including Sexual Health, CAHMS and Public Health, Education, Family Service and The Children’s Society.
The design of the panel is to have a strategic oversight of children at the highest risk of CSE in the County. This includes children who are recorded on the Police CAROSE database system as at risk of CSE, subject to CSE strategy meetings and thought to require oversight, particularly where there is a high-risk concern or a concern that existing plans may not be decreasing the level of risk. The panel provide scrutiny, challenge and guidance. The purpose of the panel is to consider the plans in place to protect the child from CSE and for panel members to hold one another’s agencies to account in regard to appropriate and effective service provision. The meeting does not hold detailed case discussions about the child and their family as these issues are managed via current processes and procedures.
The meeting serves to triangulate information about children at risk, perpetrators and places of concern, it agrees levels of risk and makes recommendations aimed at reducing the risk.
Up to date information is requested from the child’s allocated Social Worker by way of a MASE report for children newly listed (report template provided by the strategic safeguarding team) or an update by way of bullet points for children listed for review. Information will be requested from the social care team 10 working days prior to the MASE meeting and responses are required within 3 working days of the meeting.
Discussions are recorded against a child’s MOSAIC electronic case file within 1 week of the MASE meeting.
Concerns Network Meeting - CNM
Concerns about locations which potentially facilitate child exploitation and/or potential perpetrators of child exploitation can be submitted to the Police through Operation Striver referral forms and will be considered by the Sexual Exploitation Investigation Unit and at the Concerns Network Meeting. Please note that any concerns about an identified child should be referred to Children’s Social Care.
This is a multi-agency meeting held bi-monthly to share intelligence relating to suspected child exploitation with the aim of disrupting potential CSE activities.
The meeting is attended by Police (SEIU), Children’s Social Care, Health including Sexual Health and Public Health, Education, Family Service, Local Authority and Private Sector Residential Care, District Councils, Youth Services and The Children’s Society.
The information submitted by professionals to the Police via Operation Striver is shared with partner agencies at the Concerns Network to raise awareness of potential threats to children and locations in Notinghamshire County. The Police Sexual Exploitation Investigation Unit also share general intelligence relating to CSE for members to share with their teams where relevant with the aim of disputing potential CSE threats to children.
Professionals attending ensure relevant information is appropriately shared in their teams/organisations.
Access the Operation Striver form: Striver Information Form
Use of language
It is imperative that appropriate terminology is used when discussing children and young people who have been exploited or are at risk of exploitation. Language implying that the child or young person is complicit in any way, or responsible for the crimes that have happened or may happen to them, must be avoided. Language should reflect the presence of coercion and the lack of control young people have in abusive or exploitative situations, and must recognise the severity of the impact exploitation has on the child or young person. Victim-blaming language may reinforce messages from perpetrators around shame and guilt. This in turn may prevent the child or young person from disclosing their abuse, through fear of being blamed by professionals. When victim-blaming language is used amongst professionals, there is a risk of normalising and minimising the child’s experience, resulting in a lack of appropriate response.
See guidance for professionals on appropriate use of language by clicking here.
Working with sexually exploited children is a complex area and can involve serious crime and investigations over a wide geographical area.
Children may be frightened of the consequences of disclosure and may need to be given time to discuss their experiences.
The need to share information discreetly in a timely fashion has been shown to be vital in these cases.
Prosecution and disruption of CSE
Agencies and practitioners involved with a child or young person experiencing child sexual exploitation must consider disruption strategies which support the child or young person to leave the situation they are in.
The prosecution and disruption of perpetrators is an essential part of the process in reducing harm. It is the responsibility of the police to gather evidence, investigate and interview perpetrators and prepare case files for consideration by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) with the intention of obtaining the successful conviction of offenders.
Many child sexual exploitation cases cross police force boundaries and require cross boundary cooperation and information sharing. This may involve the National Crime Agency's CEOP Command (formerly Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) who can support the police by helping to coordinate cross-boundary or international investigations involving child sex offender networks or in the management of high-risk offenders which may involve grooming through chat rooms and social networking sites or involvement with paedophile rings.
Professionals from statutory agencies and voluntary sector organisations together with the child or young person, foster carers, and his / her family as appropriate, should agree on the services which should be provided to them and how they will be coordinated. The types of intervention offered should be appropriate to their needs and should take full account of identified risk factors and their individual circumstances. This may include, for example, previous abuse, missing incidents, involvement in gangs and groups and/or child trafficking. Health services provided may include sexual health services and mental health services.
Referrals for support and awareness raising of CSE for children and their families should be made as appropriate, and if the child is in agreement, via the family service where CSE risks are low or medium. If a child has been subject to a CSE multi agency meeting, then consideration should be given to the need to refer to The Children’s Society for more in depth and intensive support.
For children who are Looked After, concerns raised, and actions planned should be incorporated into the child’s Care Plan and Placement Plan, and reviewed as part of the Looked After Child Review.
Because the effects of child sexual exploitation can last well into adulthood, support may be required over a long period of time. In such circumstances, effective links should be made between children and adult services and statutory and voluntary organisations. For young people who are Looked After, this should be incorporated into their Pathway Plan.
The police and criminal justice agencies lead on the identification and prosecution of perpetrators. All practitioners, however, have a role in gathering, recording and sharing information with the police and other agencies, as appropriate and in agreement with them.
Staff and foster carers should bear in mind that sexual exploitation often does not occur in isolation and has links to other crime types, including:
- Child trafficking (into, out of and within the UK);
- Domestic Violence and Abuse;
- Sexual violence in intimate relationships;
- Grooming (both online and offline);
- Abusive images of children and their distribution (organised abuse);
- Organised sexual abuse of children;
- Drugs-related offences (dealing, consuming and cultivating);
- Gang-related activity;
- Immigration-related offences;
- Domestic servitude.
Care must be taken to maintain the confidentiality of the actual or alleged perpetrator; this may require confidential slots in CSE Strategy and other meetings.
Where an alleged perpetrator is linked to a number of children, a CSE Risk Management meeting may be convened and must be agreed by the CPC CSE – lead.
The meeting will consider the level of risk posed by the adult and the strategies required to address and reduce this. The children about whom there are concerns will be identified and decisions made regarding the need to convene individual CSE multi-agency meetings.
The MASE meeting will consider named adults / alleged perpetrators and the police action required to investigate and reduce the risk they pose to children.
Where alleged perpetrators are arrested and charged with offences against children or young people, identified key workers in partnership with parents and carers should ensure they are supported throughout the prosecution process and beyond. Specialist agencies should be involved in supporting the child or young person, as required. This may include using special measures to protect them when giving evidence in court for example. Independent Sexual Violence Advisers or specialist voluntary sector services, if available, may also have an important role to play.
The Child Sex Offender Review (CSOR) Disclosure Scheme, also known as Sarah’s Law, is designed to provide members of the public with a formal mechanism to ask for disclosure about people they are concerned about, who have unsupervised access to children and may therefore pose a risk. This scheme builds on existing, well established third-party disclosures that operate under the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).
Police will reveal details confidentially to the person most able to protect the child (usually parents, carers or guardians) if they think it is in the child’s interests.
The scheme has been operating in all 43 police areas in England and Wales since 2010. The scheme is managed by the Police and information can only be accessed through direct application to them.
If a disclosure is made, the information must be kept confidential and only used to keep the child in question safe. Legal action may be taken if confidentiality is breached. A disclosure is delivered in person (as opposed to in writing) with the following warning:
- 'That the information must only be used for the purpose for which it has been shared i.e. in order to safeguard children;
- The person to whom the disclosure is made will be asked to sign an undertaking that they agree that the information is confidential and they will not disclose this information further;
- A warning should be given that legal proceedings could result if this confidentiality is breached. This should be explained to the person and they must sign the undertaking’ (Home Office, 2011, p16).
If the person is unwilling to sign the undertaking, the police must consider whether the disclosure should still take place.
The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS), also known as “Clare’s Law” enables the police to disclose information to a victim or potential victim of domestic abuse about their partner’s or ex-partner’s previous abusive or violent offending. This available tool should be considered where a young person presents as in a ‘relationship’ with an adult who has a history of perpetrating violence and control within relationships. Young people who are assessed as a risk of CSE are vulnerable to grooming, manipulation and coercion of adults who seek to exploit them and may therefore consider themselves to be in a ‘relationship’ with much older adults. This scheme should therefore be applied for where parents or carers and professionals are concerned about the impact of such ‘relationships’ as a method of disruption.
Last Updated: January 13, 2025